Larson Natural Health Center

Treating the symptoms of a much larger underlying issue can feel like a lesson in futility. It can become a never-ending cycle of doctor visits, clinic trips, and pharmacy bills which seem to be arming an assault on your checkbook. Why does it have to be so complicated? If only there was one healthcare haven; a place where the mind, body and spirit could receive healing and enrichment. You could maximize your time, piggy-backing appointments to lessen drive time and gas mileage. And, what about dealing with all those festering issues you have been meaning to take care of. You know what I am talking about, those feelings of self-doubt and wonders of worth you may have been struggling with. Are they the source of that neck pain you have been carrying around? What if there was one place, with dedicated professionals keen on bringing out the best in you? There is a place that will set you on the right path.  Because once they see you, make their assessment and formulate your treatment plan, the trusted professionals at Larson Natural Health Center will shine the light of beautiful wellness on you.

What is your ailment?  Are you suffering from the injuries received from a recent car accident?  What a stressful, trying time it can be to recover, deal with insurance companies and maintain order in your work and home life after you have been involved in a car accident.  The caring professionals at Larson Natural Health Center work with a dedicated team of attorneys, physical therapists’, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and a myriad of other healthcare individuals to make sure you are receiving a comprehensive treatment plan.  No need to drive around town from appointment to appointment at various locations when you are not feeling well in the first place. From auto accidents to sports and personal injury rehab, Larson Natural Health Center is a wellness mecca.

But what if you’re dealing with something that is blowing up in your life right at this moment that seems too challenging?  Are you struggling with the loss of a loved one, an impending divorce, or just feel that life’s problems are insurmountable?  You can’t sleep so work isn’t as productive as you need it to be and that just begins a downward spiral of ancillary problems.  Don’t walk that road alone, friend.  At Larson Natural Health Center, a variety of remedies are at your disposal; none are invasive, and some have been around for thousands of years.  From Reiki healing, a powerful and ancient Japanese technique to lessen stress and promote a balanced feeling of wellness, to laser therapy which allows people to move away from harmful pharmaceuticals and toward the warming light of cutting-edge laser technologies, relief is available.  Life coaches, physical therapy, acupuncture, customized orthotics – -at Larson Natural Health Center, their mantra of “mind, body, spirit” ensures you can finally reach that pinnacle of health and well-being.

As members of the IBE organization since 2008, Larson Natural Health Center has reaped the rewards of this cohesive bartering network many times over.  Jill Larson explains how they initially became interested in IBE, “A client came in who was so enthusiastic about IBE and knew we were new to the area.  They told us what a wonderful organization it was, so we joined!”  Jill goes on to speak of the “ripple effect” doing business with IBE has.  For example, when the Larson’s want a great meal out, they often use a QR Certificate for Clayton’s Siesta Grille, one of their favorite restaurants.  They inevitably invite their friends to come along, thus introducing new people and money to the restaurant.  Add in the social media posts, and hundreds, if not thousands, of viewers are tuning in.  That is free and effective marketing!

For the Larson’s, and so many others who are a part of the IBE family of businesses, Jill sums up their experiences with a common theme.  She is on-point when she says, “IBE allows you to do a lot of things you would not normally do.  We all want these fancy items and activities and with IBE we can get them.”

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Any Lab Test Now

We have all been there before.  A peculiar mole or previously unnoticed bump sends you into pure panic mode to find out which disease is causing your symptoms.  You are certain it is something terrible.  You know that feeling; worry sets in followed by intensive Google searches to see which non-curable illness has struck you.  It can be a nightmare of sleepless nights and endless worries.  There are tests you could get, but don’t you need a doctor to order those?  And, is it worth the co-pays and deductibles that need satisfying to even make a doctor’s appointment?  And that is if you are fortunate to have insurance in an age where sky-rocketed prices, limited options and tremendous deductibles have made insurance a luxury to have.

The good news is there is help for those of us who are under-insured, noninsured, cannot find time for a doctor’s appointment, or just want to do things our own way.  Forget working around limited laboratory hours and restrictive and expensive doctor appointments.  Any Lab Test Now offers flexibility and peace of mind at surprisingly low costs.  If you have been putting your health needs behind those of everyone and everything else, you do not have to do that anymore.  Look below at the lengthy list of tests and services that Any Lab Test Now offers and begin your healthy journey today.

For starters, do you fear your cholesterol has hit the roof? Or, do you wonder if a gluten allergen is the culprit for your nausea?  The comprehensive list of tests offered by Any Lab Test Now includes Allied Health Panels which screen for overall health, something students and healthcare professionals often require, to arthritis and complete metabolic screenings.  Lyme disease, heavy metal, basic allergy, drugs, and several other tests are plentiful and readily available without the need for expensive intermediaries like doctors and insurance companies.  How do physicians feel about directing patients to Any Lab Test Now?  According to the Bradenton location manager, Tom Brennan, “Physicians are sending patients to us, especially those without insurance or whose deductibles are too high to afford.”  It has turned into another tool for doctor’s offices to recommend to grateful patients.

As a member of the IBE extensive network of merchants and business owners, Any Lab Test Now has become a reliable drug-testing source for fellow barter human resource professionals.  Tom Brennan is appreciative of that business and says it is indicative of how IBE works.  “I have gotten so many new clients, all thanks to IBE.  And, now, I am open to gaining even more medical testing through IBE.”  Tom goes on to say that IBE “is wonderful, and especially great for any business that is service oriented.”

Whether it is through advertising for the business, or for going out to nice restaurants for amazing meals, computer repair, and, yes, even dentists, bartering has been very financially savvy for Any Lab Test Now.  “I have saved tons of money at the dentist through IBE.  It’s an easy decision for me to save up through IBE for large dental expenses.”  Tom further extols the virtues of IBE by saying, “I have also saved thousands of dollars on something else nobody wants to spend money on – – air-conditioning.”  Thanks to the bartering help of fellow IBE member, Veteran Air, Tom was able to reap those savings and pass them right back to his clients, and to expand the business.  The far-reaching positive effects of IBE are causing a buzz and creating financial momentum for its members.  That is relevant information that Tom and the team at Any Lab Test Now are always happy to share.

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Suncoast Dentistry

When it comes to dentistry, you want to have a true sense of comfort from the moment the appointment is made to the time your name is called to enter the examination area, and especially as you lay back and allow the dentist to peer inside of your mouth.  It can be a daunting and stressful time for many and is the cause for people to senselessly suffer through tooth pain rather than confronting their dental phobias.  What if there was a local dentist caring for the whole patient and the entire experience with a complete understanding of your fears and an intense desire to put you at ease?  Would you go?  If that is not incentive enough, what if I tell you they have an impeccable reputation with countless patients giving positive testimonials to the great care and kindness they received at this particular office?  And, for those of you who just will not commit to a dentist’s appointment, in fact, are nursing a tender tooth at the moment, what if I said their office is of the utmost cleanliness, fresh and cheerfully decorated to provide a calming, yet not overly distracting environment?  And to close the deal, they have a number of appointment and financing options.  Okay, okay!  Enough teasers!  It is Dr. Joseph T. Vu and his team at Suncoast Dentistry who are making the transition from nervous jitters to gorgeous teeth much easier for area residents.

At Suncoast Dentistry, the patient’s experience is integral to every decision made and every well-thought-out detail.  From modern and expansive waiting areas that feel far less like “wait” and a bit more like relaxation to well-lit and efficient examination areas allowing for the time for actual treatment to be as minimal as possible.  But, perhaps one of the most innovative aspects of Suncoast Dentistry is the amount of information they provide to their customers, both through their expansive data library on their website and also speaking to their professional and friendly staff.  They say knowledge is the key to success.  At Suncoast Dentistry, they want to make sure you are going into your appointment or procedure being as educated as possible to alleviate unnecessary stress and worry.

Besides providing the utmost in customer care and satisfaction, along with an array of informational tools, Suncoast Dentistry is a full-service, comprehensive dental facility.  They have two locations, one in Bradenton and the other in Parrish.  From veneers to teeth whitening, bridges, crowns, fillings and Invisalign – – along with most other dental procedures, Suncoast Dentistry makes it easy for the entire family to get their dental work done under one roof.  Their “Six Month Smile” braces program allows adults who have been shielding their mouths and subduing laughter for fear of showing less than perfect teeth the opportunity to smile once again.  New advances have allowed life-altering changes to be made to your teeth.  Are they crooked and you have thought you would just live with this the rest of your life?  Why do that to yourself!  Give Suncoast Dentistry a call and explore the easy financing and appointment options that await your smile transformation.

The folks at Suncoast Dentistry have plenty of great things to say about the multitude of benefits IBE has provided them.  They lament over the ease in which barters are made and are incredulous that others do not get on this money-saving, mutually beneficial, IBE loving train!  At Suncoast Dentistry, the owners use IBE for everything from plumbing and office supply needs to the more fun-at-heart activities like birthday parties and trampoline parks.  In fact, just this past summer, they were able to book fun camps for their children, all through the bartering magic of IBE.  Kids happily bouncing and jumping while you are enjoying a pizza and a cold drink, all together as a family? Now that is something to smile about!  Thank you, IBE, for providing these and many other beautiful memories for the members of your impressive barter system.

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Konecny Dentistry

There are some certainties we must face in life. We will all fall in love at some point, whether it be kicking our feet or jumping right in, it is bound to happen to everyone.  We will pay bills – – there is no getting out of that one.  And, by one, I mean many, many bills over the course of a lifetime.  Another sure bet is that we will all face the dentist’s visit with some amount of uncertainty and fear.  The sheer fact that you must allow someone to not only invade your personal space, but to poke around in your mouth can dissuade some from their annual checkup.  But, if you have a great dentist, one who treats you with extreme care and complete regard for your time, comfort and security, then the visit is a piece of cake.  Well, skip the cake in search of better dental hygiene, but, you get the idea!  For Dr. Konecny, having one’s name on the door carries an added element of responsibility; so a stellar education, gentle touch, and respect for keeping patients on schedule are ingrained in every client interaction.

Do you hate waiting at the dentist’s office?  If you have small children in tow, it can be extra challenging. Keeping everyone entertained when your appointment time has passed, without any chance of leaving the patient area and entering the coveted examination room can be stressful.  At Konecny Dentistry, they understand that you are busy and may not want to spend your precious lunch hour or tee time reading magazines and waiting for your name to be called.  A proven system of patient scheduling by professionals who care, ensures you will be out of the parking lot and on your way in no time.  Dr. Konecny prides himself on an incredible educational background, receiving his B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Scranton and his D.D.S. from Georgetown University of Dentistry.  Every year, he makes sure that he attends advanced training courses and seminars to be abreast of the latest in dental advances.  If it makes your time in the dentist’s chair more enjoyable, Dr. Konecny is on it!

Whether it be composite fillings, bridges and crowns, endodontic treatment, dentures and partials, or veneers, Konecny Dental will make sure you have nothing to fear.  What you will have is a beautiful smile to look forward to.  Dental advances have made most procedures pain-free but at Konecny Dental they go the extra degree by offering conscious sedation.  This convenient method lets you fully communicate with your dentist while being in a deep state of relaxation.  They want you to know you are in the most capable hands, those which have received the best education and training available.  Hands connected to a man who truly cares for the comfort and quality of dentistry his patients receive.  Dr. Konecny is your trusted dentist, ready to make your annual checkup a breeze.

At Konecny Dental, focusing on the needs of the client is at the heart of what they do.  By accepting an alternative payment (IBE payment), their patients are realizing the health benefits for dental care using barter versus cash.  With IBE, Konecny Dental has been able to stretch their dollar and cover the costs of janitorial and office supplies with easy trades within the IBE Community.  They love the look on their customers’ faces when they realize how simple and affordable it is seeing a dentist can when using an alternative currency.   Many have found out that bartering for dental services with IBE is just another reason why Konecny Dentistry is an easy appointment to make.

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Harmony Health & Healing, Inc.

When it comes to healthcare, we want a well-rounded approach.  Gone are the days of rigidity when choosing the paths that will lead us to optimal health.  It used to be that people only subscribed to the Western philosophies of medicinal care, while others solely turned to the practices of Eastern physicians.  When you are in the throes of a health crisis, fear and pressure can sway you to choose one over the other.  Wouldn’t it be beneficial if a client could walk into one clinic where a physician was able to provide a variety of treatments, representing both Eastern and Western ideologies?  The answer is a resounding “yes”!  Dr. Brenda at Harmony Health & Healing is an Acupuncture Physician, Clinical Psychologist and Essential Oil Educator.  She has been practicing for over 30 years and has even unveiled alternatives for her patients to receive long-distance consultations and training.  That is what we call a comprehensive plan!

For Dr. Brenda, doing everything she can for her clients in the most expeditious manner is key.  Perhaps this is why she received her acupuncture degree in three years, when it is, in fact, a four-year degree.  And, this could be the reason she chooses her continuing education credits based on how they could best enhance her clients’ needs, attending workshops like “Food for Healing.”  And possibly, this might be the motivation for expanding her services and creating a “Long Distance” program, which includes counseling via telephone or video conferencing on topics ranging from aromatouch to essential oil education.  Dr. Brenda’s dedication to her fields of study combined with her desire to meet all of her clients’ health needs is impressive.

What can you expect when you walk into Harmony Health & Healing?  Well, a plethora of services in a clean, inviting atmosphere with professionals assisting you is just a part of the equation.  Receiving a well-rounded, thorough approach to your healthcare is the other part of that picture.  From nutrition solutions, to traditional acupuncture which has been used for thousands of years to treat a myriad of diseases, there is not much that Dr. Brenda doesn’t address at Harmony Health & Healing.  With her extensive knowledge of essential oils, Dr. Brenda utilizes doTERRA oils to treat a variety of her client’s issues.  Dr. Brenda’s total body approach to wellness means you are receiving a thorough evaluation and treatment plan, one that not only addresses the initial concern resulting in the visit, but looking at underlying issues as well.

When Dr. Brenda originally joined the IBE network, she set out to meet new people and to expand her business clientele.  She thought IBE was a natural way to do that while meeting like-minded merchants.  As it turns out, Dr. Brenda was spot on with that decision.  Over the years, she has helped introduce many new people to essential oils and the benefits they can provide via IBE trades.  People have enjoyed foot reflexology sessions, funded by IBE trades, and she has even been able to teach aromatouch massage thanks to IBE.  When she is not assisting clients at the clinic or via a videoconferencing call,     Dr. Brenda enjoys dining out at a number of restaurants in the IBE family.  But, perhaps her favorite trade was when she was able to procure ballroom dancing lessons without spending any money.  Thank you, IBE!  Someone as dedicated to their patients, providing so many services and being so present and available for her clients certainly deserves an evening on the dance floor.

If you are struggling to find a trusted physician to treat all of your ailments, then Harmony Health & Healing is the answer.  Combining Eastern and Western medicines, and offering a vast range of services with a whole approach to body and mind, Dr. Brenda is a one-stop shop for all of your health needs.  Please visit for more information.

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Siesta Dental

What style smile do you have?  Is your smile that “I just might have done something naughty” smirk that catches the eye of the girls walking by?  Or, does your smile convey a friendliness that is demonstrated by the amount of people who are always wanting to bend your ear?  Is your smile wide open with barrel laughs emerging at the slightest humor which might tickle your funny bone?  Smiles are the best and brightest way to say, “This is me,” in whatever mood or setting you might be in.  But, what if you are unable to convey that for fear of showing what lies beyond the smile?  What if the cracked and stained teeth somehow say you are less of a person to a potential suitor or employer?  What if your lack of a smile means you are uptight or unhappy to the outer world when in fact, you are just masking the crooked and jagged chompers that you only let your nearest and dearest see?  Smiles can be everything, which is why choosing a dentist, the caretakers of your smiles, is one of the most important decisions you will change.

Siesta Dental knows that your smile is akin to your signature, your voice, and your personality.  It is “you.”  With that knowledge and respect for patients at the forefront, every decision they make is client-centered.  And, we all know that getting into the dentist’s chair can be daunting, so when you are completely comfortable with your dentist, the experience turns out to be just another easy appointment to check off the list and get on with your day.

What is better than a trusted dentist serving the Siesta Key and surrounding area for several years now?  How about one that knows how to stretch a client’s dollar?  That is a win/win situation!  At Siesta Dental, they know how hard their clients work and love to make the locals’ lives easier.  With a variety of specials offered throughout the year, Siesta Dental can keep your smiles bright without turning your bank accounts into the red.  While you can, check out their free consultation, a $280 value.  Whether it be for a second opinion, implants, dentures, or Invisalign, this special is sure to appeal to a variety of people.  At Siesta Dental, new patients are greeted by happy professionals ready to treat them in a courteous, competent and efficient manner.  Also, their new patient special is sure to please as it includes an examination, x-rays, cleaning, and oral cancer screening for $99.  This is a $500 value, so for families, this could be a huge savings!  And, if you are trying to get camera ready for a wedding, prom, family photo shoot, or professional head shot, then a whitening special would be much appreciated.  At Siesta Dental, whitening specials make your next “Say cheese” moment extra sparkly.

For the dentists and office staff at Siesta Dental, recommending IBE to other businesses is easy.  They know that at every turn, IBE has offered money-saving alternatives for office cleaning, staff celebrations, computer upgrades and even the mundane tasks that every professional must provide but do not like spending cash on.  Pest control, electricians, plumbers, and air conditioning costs are negligible or non-existent when IBE is used.  And, when they want to splurge on client and employee parties, IBE is their go to source for creative and fun vendors to make special occasions memorable for all.

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Platinum Healthcare Physical Medicine

IBE Barter is happy to recommend to you the Logan Spine & Injury Center, where results matter.  Doctors Greg and Tamara Logan are at the helm of this highly rated practice that believes in natural ways to promote optimum health.  They have cutting edge equipment and technologies to induce the best possible outcome.  Mix this with a friendly and competent staff and an upbeat atmosphere and you have the perfect prescription for complete healing.

Being the chosen method of care for many conditions, a partial list of what ailments are treated is on their website at.  To name a few, allergies, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Disc problems, Headaches, joint dysfunction, Neurological conditions, Osteoarthritis, Whiplash, and many more.

Logan Spine & Injury Center emphasizes improving your health in order to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the first place.  They can help you recapture the healthy times of your life while restoring the use of your body and reducing pain. More and more, folks are discovering the benefits of alternatives to prescription medicines and simple treatments to restore the health you might have had in the past.

On the Logan website you will see some conditions that can be helped by chiropractic care that you will find to be amazing.  For instance, ADHD, Asthma, Lower back pain, Neck pain, Frozen shoulder, Fibromyalgia, Pinched nerve, Plantar Fasciitis, PMS. Pregnancy, Stress. Tennis Elbow and Sciatica.

You have probably heard a number of myths concerning Chiropractic care.  Like Chiropractors are not real doctors.  The Chiropractic workload is actually more than for a medical doctor. They have more hours of classroom education than their medical counterparts. The biggest difference between chiropractors and medical doctors lies not in their level of education, but in their preferred method of treating people.

Log onto the website to actually register as a new patient and fill out the paperwork you usually have to do in the office.  Logan wants you to feel comfortable and not be burdened with anything at the time of your visit.  They remove any possible stress and let you take care of paper work right in the comfort of your home

Office hours for Logan chiropractic are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 8:00 am to 11:00 a.m., closed for lunch from 12 to 2, and afternoon hours from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  Tuesdays they are closed and Fridays they are open from 8:00 p.m. to Noon. Saturday visits are by appointment only. Logan Spine & Injury Center is located at 5560 Bee Ridge Rd., Suite 7, Sarasota.  Please call for an appointment or information at 941-927-1124.

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George Strickland, D.D.S

Welcome to the dental office of George Strickland DDS, a leading dental care practice in Venice, Florida. They understand the importance of good dental hygiene and oral care and are committed to providing you the best care in a soothing environment. IBE members are privileged to have such a great dentist on board!

To ease your fears about dentistry, Dynamic Dental Smiles offers these services to help you: Oral Sedation to put you at ease. Procedures that are fully explained, and music to help you relax. You will be given a personal,flat-screen TV, soft blankets and dark glasses to lessen the brightness of the lights. Dr. Strickland wants you to be at ease, knowing that your experience is important to you and just as important to him.

The very latest in dental techniques and cutting edge dentistry are available at Dr. Stricklands practice. Such examples are veneers and all-porcelain crowns. Invisalign braces, whitening and take-home whitening kits. Digital x-rays and lower radiation x-rays are offered for your continued health and after effects of radiation. He offers implant-supported dentures and crowns, comprehensive exams, and oral cancer screenings. Dr. Strickland also offers early cavity protection, flouride treatments, and gentle periodontal treatments. Need a root canal or a tooth extracted? No problem! Dr. Strickland can offer you natural looking crowns, bridges and dentures.

Log onto and you will see a very easy to read explanation for each service that is offered by Dr. Strickland. This is his way of introducing you to all of his excellent array of services with full explanations, to give you a better method of deciding what you would like to do before you have a consultation with Dr. Strickland.

When you arrive for your first visit, please be prepared to complete an information packet, which are comprised of informational forms that will allow the staff to begin your dental treatment. They will ask you to fill out several forms that will get you acquainted with their office. We have supplied a link at the bottom of this page that will allow you to download and print the the required forms; giving you the ability to complete them at your convenience in the privacy of you own home. If you are using any of our approved insurance carriers, please have a current insurance card available.

Your initial exam will last approximately one hour. Oral hygiene instructions will be provided along with suggestions to help you care for your teeth. In most cases, the staff will also clean your teeth on this visit and provide an evaluation that will outline your existing dental problems and proposed treatment.

Feel Free to call their office with any questions you may have prior to your first visit. Dr. Strickland is located at 8551 S. Tamiami Trail in Venice, Fl. Call them at 941-213-1077. Hours of operation are 8 am – 5 pm Monday through Thursday and Saturday 9 am – 1pm.

The dental treatment you receive may give you benefits you haven’t even considered. Renewed self-confidence, the love of your own smile, a new social self esteem, and a personality that is ready to apply for that new job, as that special girl on a date, or just be comfortable and proud when you look into the mirror!

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Dr. John Russo, D.D.S. & M.H.S

Thinking of my worst favorite thing to do (going  to the dentist and listening to that high-pitched drill in my ear while water is squirting down my neck and into my face) I get squeamish, but I know from personal experience it is one of the major health priorities we need to make a big  part of our personal health regimen.  IBE Barter gives you many choices of different practitioners who have varied specialties, and are trained in certain modalities that are more modern and longer-lasting, such as dental implants.

IBE Barter highly recommends Dr. John Russo, DDS and Periodontic Specialist.  Dr Russo’s D.D.S. and M.H.S. status means his practice is limited to periodontics and dental implants. Dr. Russo is a graduate of the Ohio State University College of Dentistry and completed his specialty training at the Medical University of South Carolina, where he earned a Masters of Health Sciences degree.  Dr. Russo is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Periodontics at the Medical University of South Carolina and is a diplomat of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.

IBE Barter is extremely fortunate to have such a distinguished and credentialed man like Dr. Russo who lectures across the United States, Canada, and Mexico, to share his knowledge of implants and bone grafting with other dentists.  His spirit of generosity has made him highly respected and appreciated in many countries.

On a personal note, Dr. Russo and his wife are the proud parents of three boys, two of whom are fraternal twins.  His hobby is saltwater fishing and he participates in team tournaments and somehow makes the time to be the lead guitarist in a band called Dr. RX FEELGOOD.

His staff is loved and appreciated because of the kindness and individual attention they constantly offer patients.  Office Manager Rose Nardone, Tina Bachrach, Receptionist, Kristine Page, Registered Dental Hygienist, Karen Mullet, Surgical Assistant, Sharon Sparkman, Surgical Assistant, and Lisa Gutierrez, Registered Dental Hygienist, complete the skilled and attentive staff at Dr. Russo’s practice.

In such a complicated world as ours, so many cutting-edge procedures have been created, and to understand each and every one and how they potentially  improve your dental health is a lofty task.  On Dr. Russo’s website, , there are scores of helpful and informing videos to guide you through your potential procedure.  Dr. Ross feels strongly about explaining the why’s and the wherefore’s of your dental work so you know why this work is necessary and how great your mouth will look and feel afterward. Find these videos under the FAQS tab on the website.

When you’re ready to take the step to a more healthy mouth and beautiful, confidant smile, give Dr. Russo’s office a call.  Their hours are Monday – Thursday, 8 am to 5 pm, and Friday by appointment only. The office is located at 1704 Bay Road, Sarasota. They hope to see your smile soon and create a more healthy mouth for you!

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Golden Vision

Your eyes are the window to the world so their importance cannot be overstated. Seeing the beauty of all things great and small balances us all. From witnessing the transformation of your baby to a tomboy then on to a prom queen or seeing a caterpillar morph through the stages to becoming a gorgeous butterfly, what our vision provides us is exquisite. When it comes to caring for our eyes, we are extra particular to choose only the top eye care professionals. In Sarasota, and the surrounding areas, Dr. Wayne Golden and the team at Golden Vision are your go-to Optometry office.

With an impressive 20 years in business, Golden Vision has a long line of dedicated clients. Known for his sincere interest and time that he spends with his clients, Dr. Wayne is revered as an especially kind and empathetic physician who really goes the extra mile for his patients. Unlike the larger chain offices where you have to endure impersonal service and a lack of sincere care, Dr. Wayne spends as much time as needed to explain procedures and answer questions. He takes his responsibility to his clients to the next level, always making the patient in front of him feel like the most important person in the world. Many on his staff have been with Dr. Golden for the past 10 to 15 years, something uncommon in today’s work environment. But, patients understand that high degree of loyalty his employees may feel because they too have grown to love and trust Dr. Golden.

When it comes to IBE, Golden Vision is 100% on board. They have utilized the bartering process over the years many, many times and are happy to recite the instances of new clientele gained through IBE and job satisfaction their employees have felt from being awarded IBE gift cards. Many clients have come through the office and procured new prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses including the exam on full trade through IBE. Personally, the owners of Golden Vision have purchased a boat and car through IBE trades. But, perhaps the most exciting trade for them might be that they paid for their son’s wedding, almost in its entirety, with IBE. From the flowers, to ice sculptures to pricey details in between, they were able to have the wedding of their dreams by utilizing IBE trades. To this day, friends and family members are talking about the beautiful wedding they were able to provide for their son and are so impressed that IBE seems to have no boundaries when it comes to its amazing barters. Additionally, Golden Vision was able to take care of much of the buildout of their new facilities by utilizing IBE barters with Terry’s Plumbing, Veteran’s Air, and Sarasota Architectural Salvage. Dr. Golden, and his wife Beth, are very adamant that IBE has been a true partner in the continued expansion and success of their businesses.

Golden Vision provides the kind of personalized service you need. When it comes to your eyes you need to know the professional caring for them has the time and talent invested to become a leading optometrist, just like Dr. Wayne Golden.

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